Painted Skyscape Watchcap #3
A blend of earthy tones moves across this watchcap. Hand painted on measured skeins of yarn before knitting. The knitting process then realigns the patterns and creates the swirly play. Borderground of natural black fiber.
Dyed with black walnut hulls, dyer's coreopsis, wild madder root, Hydnellum and Phellodon mushrooms.
Double layer of lightweight, warm, squishy, New England grown and processed 50% wool and 50% alpaca fiber. One size fits most. Hand wash.
Pricing transparency:
Yarn = $20.00
Dyes = gifts of nature
Overhead = $70.00
Incl. shipping = $10.00
Labor = 5 hours
Sliding scale:
Offered on a sliding scale where you choose my hourly rate. Consider choosing the hourly rate closest to your own income. I'm grateful for your generous support!
USPS Priority shipping included in price.